[ General | Location | Facilities | GameFish | Stocking Report ] [ Special Regulations | Map | Description ]
Length- 5 miles Width- 1 mile Depth- 60' Acres- 1,357
Town of Horicon, northern Warren County. I-87 Exit 25, east Rt. 8, 3 miles east to lake.
N.Y.S. launch at south end of lake Rt. 8 at Palisades Rd. Cabin rentals on water, some with boats. Motels, campsites, restaurants nearby.
Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Brown Trout, Pickerel, Bullhead, Rockbass, Sunfish, Splake.
Trout season, open all year. All other species: See NYS Statewide Regulations
Brant Lake is on of the prettiest bodies of water in the Northeast. Nestled in a mountain valley, it offers breathtaking scenery. Thanks to a strong management program, Brant Lake has regained its position as a major Northeast fishbowl. Largemouth and smallmouth bass now offer serious anglers excellent fishing. Bass in the 2-4 lb. class are the norm, trophy 5 pounders are more than possible. Brown trout have been strongly established and offer an excellent fishery. 2-3 lb. are the norm, with trophy 5 ponders caught with some frequency. Panfishing is second to none in the Northeast. A great light tackle and children's fishery, there are platter-size fish that are great fighters. Bullheads offer super fishing at the top and bottom ends of the lake.
This page was last edited: Monday, June 28, 1999 |